
Improve Skin Appearance with a FotoFacial

FotoFacials are popular treatments because they effectively address multiple skin concerns to improve the skin’s appearance and texture (with no downtime).

Skin concerns that a FotoFacial treatment can address include:

  • Uneven pigmentation
  • Sun damage (sun spots)
  • Age spots
  • Melasma
  • Fine lines
  • Large pores
  • Freckles
  • Broken capillaries
  • Rosacea / redness of the skin
  • Spider veins

How does a FotoFacial work?

A FotoFacial uses Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and RadioFrequency that work together to enhance the skin. Collagen production is stimulated which leads to softening of wrinkles and tightening of pores. The end result is smoother, healthier, younger-looking skin. The treatment is safe and non-invasive.

What can I expect from a FotoFacial treatment?

A FotoFacial treatment feels like small “zaps” to the skin. The treatment time is 45 minutes. After the treatment, your skin will look flushed or pink but usually goes away within a few hours. Most clients return to work or their daily activities. Over the next few days, brown spots may come to the surface and appear darker but will flake off, revealing refreshed skin. Sunscreen and sun protection is essential.

Do I need more than 1 FotoFacial?

A series of 5-6 FotoFacial treatments at 3-4 week intervals is usually recommended for best results but your Blu Cocoon nurse will discuss what is best for you.

What results can I expect from a FotoFacial?

You will see improvement after each treatment and will love the cumulative result after a series! Typically, clients see:

  • An average of 50-75% improvement in Rosacea, ruddy complexion, redness, spider veins and broken capillaries.
  • An average of 50-75% improvement in sun damage, uneven pigmentation, sun spots, pregnancy “mask”, freckles.
  • Overall improvement in texture and tone with a reduction in pore size.

A FotoFacial treatment can improve the skin on the face, neck, chest, and backs of hands.

Schedule a FotoFacial consultation at Blu Cocoon today! Contact us at (408) 295-2580.

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