
Skin Care Tips – What To Eat For Healthy Skin

Gorgeous skin is always in! At our San Jose MedSpa, we work with so many different skin types and skin concerns, that we know what makes skin happy. Skin care – including a consistent home care regimen and routine visits to your favorite medspa – is part of the equation. The other part is what you eat. The old saying, You are what you eat”, really rings true.

Here is a list of food that can have a positive affect on your skin by creating internal balance (amongst your hormones), lessening inflammation, and reducing your chances of breaking out.

  • Chickpeas. These little guys are rich in protein and fiber, two nutrients that slow down digestion and lower blood sugar response. An increase in blood sugar causes high insulin levels that are thought to lead to hormonal changes.
  • Carrots. A study found that people who ate carotenoid-containing fruits – such as carrots – have more yellow tones in their skin, giving them a complexion that others rated as looking healthier.
  • Pumpkin. Cooked pumpkin helps the growth of skin cells. A half cup is nearly 400% of the daily value for vitamin A. Skin cell turnover keeps your skin looking fresh and holds wrinkles at bay.
  • Oysters. Oysters are your best source of zinc which plays an important role in the growth and function of skin cells. Six bivalves provide over 500% of your daily zinc need.
  • Almond Milk. Dairy is known to cause inflammation that aggravates rashes, wrinkles, and acne. Opt for almond milk for your cereal or coffee instead of milk.
  • Rosemary or Thyme. Packed with antioxidants, these herbs help protect the skin. Consuming these herbs regularly has been associated with a 60% reduced risk of melanoma.
  • Beef. Protein is the building block of elastin and collagen, which is what keeps the skin tight and less wrinkled. Beef is a great source of protein (30 g in a 3.5 oz serving). Look for grass-fed beef and lean cuts.
  • Walnuts. A great source of omega-3 fatty acids that act as a natural moisturizer for the skin and hair.
  • Green Tea. The antioxidants in green tea (EGCG) boost blood flow and oxygen to the skin, both important for a healthy complexion.
  • Kale. Packed with vitamins A and C plus one of the best sources of lutein and zeaxanthin (nutrients that absorb and neutralize free radicals created by UV light), kale is an optimum skin booster.
  • Sardines. One of the best sources of omega-3 DHA fatty acids in one serving (3.5 oz), sardines can help cut down on inflammation, which helps keep your skin clear.
  • Olive Oil. Containing antioxidant polyphenols and monounsaturated fatty acids, olive oil was associated with 31% fewer signs of aging (in a study of 1,264 women who consumed more than 2 teaspoons a day).

There are many other foods that are beneficial to your skin but the above gives you a wide variety to choose from. We hope that this post will encourage you to reach for something healthy next time you are craving a cookie or chips. Your body – and skin – will thank you!

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